下载地址: http://www.bittorrent.com/wp-content/uploads/dna-setup.exe
因为dna程序是基于BitTorrent协议工作的,所以理论上对所有bt类软件都有加速效果,见到篇文章说对bitcomet可以提速90%,安装后会自动运行 btdna.exe常驻内存
官网承诺dna不含任何间谍 广告 恶意等软件 不会减慢电脑和网速
官方站的介绍 http://www.bittorrent.com/dna/whatisdna/
How does DNA work?
DNA uses the BitTorrent protocol to automatically accelerates your favorite web sites and software by downloading in parallel from multiple sources. During and for a short time after each download, your computer helps distribute what you download. In return, you get faster, more reliable downloads and access to richer content. Only files that you recently downloaded will be made available to others.
DNA contains no spyware, adware, or malware of any sort.
DNA will never slow down your computer or Internet connection 作者: yycc1123 时间: 2008-7-28 18:43